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Introduction to Chapter 2 p. 97

Introduction to Chapter 2 p. 97

Q Introduction to Ch. 2 p. 97 What do the editors mean by the concept of "the other? 1. Write a short intro where you respond to the question in one or two sentences. 2. In the body of your response support your answer by referring to specific passages from the reading in your own words. 3. Comment on two other posts, elaborating, clarifying or giving examples. 4. Extra points for responding to a comment on your initial post.

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The editor defines “the other” as a different individual from another person’s perspective of normal or different from their community. The other can also be used to define as a negative observation of what someone does not want to be like and strengthen their belief of who they are. In the text, it said “ only when there is an other can you know who you are.” I believe this is true because I noticed who I was as a person and my characteristics while watching others and noticing how different we were from one other or who much we have in common.